
18. maí 2022






Matvæli og náttúruafurðir

Energy & Food: a look into the future

Í tilefni af Nýsköpunarviku standa Íslandsstofa og Landsvirkjun fyrir viðburðinum Energy & Food: a look into the future.


Í tilefni af Nýsköpunarviku standa Íslandsstofa og Landsvirkjun fyrir viðburðinum Energy & Food: a look into the future miðvikudaginn 18. maí kl. 15:00 í Grósku.

Dagskrá má finna hér að neðan. Viðburðurinn fer fram á ensku og skráning er opin til og með 17. maí.

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Jesse Dill frá Gingko Bioworks til viðtals
Fyrirlesarinn Jesse Dill frá Gingko Bioworks verður einnig til viðtals hjá Íslandsstofu þann 19. maí. Nánari upplýsingar veita Tinna Hrund Birgisdóttir og Erna Björnsdóttir

Energy & Food: a look into the future

In the next decade factors like climate change, overpopulation and conflicts will force the food system to change drastically. This creates opportunities for innovation and sustainable use of natural resources. In this event we will look into the future with experts in this field and explore what Iceland has to offer. We will address questions like what future food production will look like, which role renewable energy will play, and what the investment ecosystem aroundfuture food production will look like.


15:00 – Birta Kristín Helgadóttir, Acting director of Green by Iceland

15:05 – Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate

15:15 – Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson, Lecturer at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition at University of Iceland

15:25 – Marta Björg Hermannsdóttir, Risk management and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) specialist at Eyrir invest

15:35 – Sigurður Pétursson, Founder of Lax-inn and Arctic Fish

15:45 – Jesse Dill, Director of growth at Ginkgo Bioworks (USA)

16:00 – Q&A

16:30 – Light refreshments; tasting of Icelandic future food and drinks

Moderator: Ms. Birta Kristín Helgadóttir, Acting director of Green by Iceland

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