19. janúar 2022

Cana­di­an healthcare mar­ket access program for Icelandic comp­anies


Business Iceland is looking for healthcare companies to participate in upcoming Canadian healthcare market access program in Newfoundland and Labrador for Icelandic companies.

Business Iceland is looking for healthcare companies to participate in the upcoming Canadian healthcare market access program in Newfoundland and Labrador for Icelandic companies. It is called Canadian Market Access Program: Engaging with a Canadian Health System. The first two sessions, which will be free of charge, will be on January 27th and February 3rd. Three additional sessions will be available to a subset of participating companies on a fee-for-service basis, with more details below.

Sign up here to join the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa, Innovation Norway, and the Embassy of Norway in Ottawa on January 27th and February 3rd for the first phase of a two-part market access facilitation series focused on the Canadian healthcare system.**

The virtual series will focus on understanding the Canadian healthcare market through the lens of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Eastern Regional Health Authority (Eastern Health), which prioritizes identifying innovative approaches to healthcare delivery that can improve patient outcomes and quality of life. Participants will learn about the functioning of the Canadian healthcare system and its delivery by provincial and regional health authorities and how their technologies and services may align with the procurement needs of Canadian healthcare providers.

Why Join:

*Gain knowledge of the foundations of the Canadian healthcare system
*Build an understanding of how Canadian healthcare authorities seek out and adopt innovative practices and technologies for integration into their systems
*Learn about the Eastern Health Region´s priority healthcare challenges and how these could be addressed in part by what Norwegian and Icelandic companies can offer
*Get firsthand insights on requirements for undertaking a validation or clinical trial with Eastern Health
*Learn about the adoption/procurement process at Eastern Health

Who: Icelandic and Norwegian companies
Cost: Free
When: January 27th and February 3rd at 15:30 CET

**Companies with solutions that address the challenges presented by Eastern Health will be invited to apply to participate in part two of this series, comprised of a more focused series of virtual technical assistance engagements for a small fee. To be delivered in February 2022, this will offer participants practical tips and know-how on how to design a tailored message and pitch to Canadian healthcare providers, an individual session with a health communications expert, and a 1:1 meeting with the Eastern Health Region. Best-fit candidates completing this second phase may be selected by Eastern Health for a pilot/validation trial with the aim of adopting of their technologies or services into the health region. Further details will be presented on January 27th.

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